Consultations With Real Life Care

About Your Consultation

Learn more about what will

During the consulation we will set out to achieve three objectives

  1. First we will Listen to you and your story, we will ask questions to help us get all of the information, but this is your time to express your feelings and we will listen to you.
  2. Next we will discuss all of the options available to you based on your current situation, we will let you know about the funding options and the services we can offer you.
  3. Finally we will map out a clear and straightforward plan to acheive the goals we set together, this will have action points for each of us to go and achieve.




A happy older man talking on the phone while on a telephone consultation with Real Life Care

What can we discuss?

Topics of discussion

Every one of our consultations is unique and tailored to each of our clients, but here are some of the topics we can discuss to help you prepare.

A phone showing a calculator app on top of some bills next to some coins showing someone trying to work out their care home costs and how much funding they get

Funding Options

We can help you work out your options for funding and how to claim the most funding available to you

  • NHS Funding
  • Local Authority Funding
More On Funding
A doctor sat at a desk looking over some documents to assess the right level of care a patient should receive

Levels Of Care

There are lots of levels of care, from residential care to even just having a carer pop in to your own home to help you.

Depending on your condition and current financial position your care options vary and we can help you work out what is best for you.

Some very happy older people say in a care home with their arms in the air as they have just won a refund for overpaid care fees

Refund Claims

If you or a loved one has previously paid for care we can evaluate the case to check what funding should have been available and see if you have overpaid due to a late or incorrect assessment.

More On Claiming a Refund
A doctor checking over a patients chart where he is reviewing a medical assessment for funding eligibility

Medical Assessments

We can review previous medical assements or arrange a new one evidence funding requirements or increase the level of care you are currently being provided

  • Review Past Medical Assessments
  • Arrange a New Medical Assessment
A happy, friendly call center worker ready to take your call and arrange your consultation

Book Your Free
Consultation Now!

We want to hear your story and help you get the funding you are entitled to, book your free consultation now to start your journey.

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Frequently Asked
Questions About Our Consultations

We understand at the start of this journey you may have quite a few questions about the process. We will answer any questions you have during your consultations and review your unique situation. We have also selected a few commonly asked questions to help you understand.

Do I have to pay for the consultation service?

No, our consultations are completely free, please get in touch to arrange one with our friendly advisors.

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Who should book a consultation?

We are happy to speak to anyone with questions regarding care and funding for care. If you or a loved one, have paid for health care services, we would like to speak to you regarding the funding that could have been available to you. You could be entitled to a refund of these fees.

Do I need to have any documents prepared?

At this stage you do not need to have any documents ready we will take this process at your pace. In the future some documents will be required but the consultation starts by talking about your situation first.

When can my opointment be booked?

Our office hours are from 9am to 6pm Monday to Friday, our team will be happy to schedule a consultation within these hours. If these really don't work for you then talk to us and we will work to accomodate your situation.

(c) 2025 Real Life Care - All rights reserved.