1.1 Real Life Care, ("the Web Site") is a web site operated and owned by part of the Real Life Services Ltd group of companies which includes: Homecover:Discount, Utility:Discount, Real Life Appeals Ltd, Real Life Services and Real Life Client Services. You can contact any of the above at the group head office Real Life Services Ltd, 6 Harrier Close, Calne, Wiltshire, SN11 9UT. Telephone 08000 821210.
1.2 These terms and conditions apply to all and any use of the Web Site. If you do not accept these terms and conditions please do not use the website and leave now.
1.3 Since we are principally aiming the Web Site at the UK consumers, we cannot guarantee that the Web Site accords with the local laws of any other countries. You are therefore responsible for compliance with the laws of your own country if you are outside the UK.
2. Intellectual Property Rights
2.1 The design, layout, text, images, tables, compilations, concepts and other works on the Web Site and all underlying software and source code are our property and all copyright, design right, database right, personality right, moral rights, patents, know-how, inventions, trade names, trade marks, trade secrets, logos and devices (whether registered or unregistered) belong to and vest in us or our licensors.
2.2 We do not give you any right or interest in any intellectual property rights featured on the Web Site and none of the material featured on the Web Site may be reproduced or redistributed without our prior written consent for any purpose than your own private, non-commercial use.
2.3 All rights in the domain name Real Life Care are owned by us. Other trading names, company names and trademarks featured on the Web Site are trademarks belonging to the Product Providers or other third parties.
2.4 We do not make any warranty or representation in respect of any other trademarks than those owned by us and any other trademarks featured on the Web Site are featured at their owners' risk.
3. Licence
3.1 When using the software you are accessing and collecting information from the Suppliers on your own behalf and not as an agent of Real Life Services Ltd group.
3.2 This licence is granted for private, non-commercial and personal use only and can be terminated at any time at the sole discretion of Real Life Services Ltd group.
4. Liability
4.1 We do not monitor, verify or endorse information featured on the Web Site relating to the suppliers product and services. In particular, we do not confirm any of the prices quoted on the Web Site and it is your responsibility to ensure that the prices and other information relating to products and services are correct. We make no guarantee and accept no liability as to the correctness of any information, products or services.
4.2 The Web Site is an information guide only. If any information on the Web Site is unclear or you are unsure about the most appropriate product or service for you we recommend that you to seek professional advice before purchasing any of the products or services featured.
4.3 We will not be liable for any indirect or consequential loss to you. We do not accept any liability in the event of withdrawal of any product or rejection of your application by the Product Provider for any reason whatsoever. We cannot be responsible for the services offered by Product Providers or for any aspect of the relationship between you and the Product Provider.
4.4 We do not guarantee access to the website at all times and do not guarantee that information will be transmitted accurately or in real time. We will not be liable for any loss or damage that occurs at any stage of the process.
4.5 We will have no liability in respect of any other web site or page on the internet accessible from the Web Site.
4.6 Nothing in these terms and conditions excludes or limits our liability for death or personal injury caused by negligence or fraud on our part.
4.7 Except as provided above we give no other warranties, conditions or terms, express or implied, statutory or otherwise and all such terms are hereby excluded to the maximum extent permitted by law, subject to your statutory and common law consumer rights which remain in full force and effect.
4.8 Real Life Care can help you with separate discussion on issues and estate planning work in conjunction with the writing of your Will.
5. Payment
5.1 Payments for Suppliers' products and services will be made direct to the Product Providers under their terms and conditions.
5.2 We assume no responsibility for organising or making payments to the Product Providers, we merely provide a telesales facility.
5.3 Promotional offers from Product Providers will be fulfilled at the terms available at the time of processing the application. This may not be the date on which application details were entered onto the website.
5.4 We may offer you the option to spread the cost of our services via reoccurring payments with both weekly and monthly options available.
5.5 The maximum period of time that payments may be spread over may not exceed 4 months.
6. Complaints
6.1 If you have any complaints or comments about us or the service provided via the Web Site you can contact us at any time by either emailing customercare@reallifecare.co.uk or writing to our Customer Services at 2 Worcester Street, Gloucester, GL1 3AA.
6.2 We will acknowledge receipt of your complaint within five working days and keep you informed throughout the process and initially inform you how long it is likely to take to resolve the matter.
7. General
7.1 The Web Site and these terms and conditions are subject to the laws of England and any disputes must be brought in English Courts.
7.2 You can contact us at 2 Worcester Street, Gloucester, GL1 3AA You may also contact us by email at customercare@reallifecare.co.uk, or by telephoning on 03300450695.
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