Our Services
Get in contact with one of our advisors to help understand your situation, assess your options and discuss the next steps.
There are multiple ways in which care home fees can be funded. Our experts will help you find the right one for you.
If you or a loved one has overpaid for health care then we can help you claim the refund you are entitled to.
It is important for us to make sure you get the help and support you need. We are here to ensure you are informed and that you are able to make the right choice, get in touch with us to tell us your story today.
We Are Here To Help You
We have been delivering our services to our clients for 15 years, over that period we have reclaimed over £9,000,000 in fees for our clients with an average claim value of over £31,000.
We are here to help and we know that having someone to listen to your story and provide advice to maximise your claim of any overpaid fees is essential.
We know the claims process and the care industry very well, which means we can help you get access to fast track assessments and funding options, much faster than if you were to try and proceed alone.